关于「 constellation」的内容列表

Microsoft plans to cooperate to restart the Three Mile Island nuclear power plant in the United States to support AI business through carbon-free energy

Microsoft has signed a 20-year deal with Constellation Energy Corporation, the owner of the Three Mile Island plant, to rehabilitate the Three Mile Island 1 reactor to establish the Crane Clean Energy Center, part of the tech giant's efforts to power its artificial intelligence business with carbon-free energy. So...

2024-09-22 09:05:00

微软已经与三里岛核电站的所有者 Constellation Energy Corporation 签署了一项为期 20 年的协议,将修复三里岛 1 号反应堆,以设立“起重机清洁能源中心(Crane Clean Energy Center)”,这是这家科技巨头致力于通过无碳能源为其人工智能业务提供动力的一部分举措。 ...

2024-09-22 09:05:00